MATILDA Outcomes

Public Deliverable Reports

Deliverable NameDownload
D1.1 - MATILDA Framework and Reference Architecture.
D1.2 - Chainable Application Component & 5G-ready Application Graph Metamodel.
D1.3 - VNF/PNF & VNF Forwarding Graph Metamodel.
D1.4 - Network-aware Application Graph Metamodel.
D1.5 - Deployment and Runtime Policy Metamodel.
D1.6 - Supported Verticals, Use Cases and Acceptance Criteria.
D2.2 - 5G-Ready Applications and Network Services Development Environment and Marketplace.
D3.2 - Intelligent Orchestration Mechanisms.
D4.2 - Network and Computing Slice.
D6.1 - Evaluation Framework and Demonstrators Planning.
D6.13 - Validation Results, Performance Evaluation and Adoption Guidelines - Second demonstration and evaluation phase.
D6.7 - Validation Results, Performance Evaluation and Adoption Guidelines - First demonstration and evaluation phase.
D7.2 - 5G-PPP Interaction, Dissemination, Clustering & Standardisation Activities Report - Halfway.
D7.3 - Communication Activities Report - Halfway.
D7.5 - MATILDA Impact Assessment.
D7.6 - 5G-PPP Interaction, Dissemination, Clustering & Standardisation Activities Report - Final.
D7.7 - Communication Activities Report - Final.
D8.2 - Publishable Final Report.

Scientific Publications

R. Bolla, P. M. Comi, M. Repetto, "A distributed cyber-security framework for heterogeneous environments", Second Italian Conference on Cyber Security (ITASEC18), Milan, Italy, 2018.
P. Gouvas, A. Zafeiropoulos, C. Vassilakis, E. Fotopoulou, G. Tsiolis, R. Bruschi, R. Bolla, F. Davoli, "Design, Development and Orchestration of 5G-Ready Applications over Sliced Programmable Infrastructure", First International Workshop on Softwarized Infrastructures for 5G and Fog Computing (Soft5 2017), co-located with the 2017 29th International Teletraffic Congress (ITC 29), Genoa, Italy, 2017, pp. 13-18.
C. Meani, P. Paglierani, A. Ropodi, N. Stasinopoulos, K. Tsagkaris, P. Demestichas, "Enabling Smart Retail through 5G Services and Technologies", European Conference on Network and Communications (EuCNC18), Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2018.
M. Bagaa, T. Taleb, A. Laghrissi and A. Ksentini, "Efficient Virtual Evolved Packet Core Deployment Across Multiple Cloud Domains", IEEE WCNC 2018, Barcelona, Spain, Apr. 2018, pp. 1-6.
M. Bagaa, T. Taleb, A. Laghrissi, A. Ksentini, and H. Flinck, "Coalitional Game for the Creation of Efficient Virtual Core Network Slices in 5G Mobile Systems", IEEE JSAC, New York, NY, USA, 2018, pp. 1-15.
Elena-Madalina Oproiu, Marius Iordache, Cristian Patachia, Catalin Costea and Ion Marghescu, "Development and Implementation of a Smart City Use Case in a 5G Mobile Network’s", 25th Telecommunications forum TELFOR 2017 Serbia, Belgrade, November 21-22, 2017, Belgrad, Serbia, 2017.
Bogdan Rusti, Horia Stefanescu, Jean Ghenta, Cristian Patachia, "Smart City as a 5G Ready Application", COMM2018: The 12th International Conference on Communications, Bucharest, Romania, 2018.
L. Boero, R. Bruschi, F. Davoli, M. Marchese, F. Patrone, "Satellite Networks in the 5G Ecosystem: Research Trends and Open Challenges", IEEE Network, Piscataway, USA, 2018, pp. 9-15.
R. Addad, D. Dutra, M. Bagaa, T. Taleb, "Towards A Fast Service Migration in 5G", IEEE CSCN, Paris, France, Oct. 2018.
R. Rapuzzi, M. Repetto, D. Tigano, "Beyond Transmission Performance: 5G Opportunities for Developing e-Energy Applications", Ninth International Conference on Future Energy Systems (e-Energy '18), Karlsruhe, Germany, 2018, pp. 402-404.
P. Gouvas, A. Zafeiropoulos, E. Fotopoulou, T. Xirofotos, R. Bruschi, F. Davoli, A. Bravalheri, D. Simeonidou, "Separation of concerns among application and network services orchestration in a 5G ecosystem", EuCNC Workshop on “From Cloud ready to Cloud Native Transformation: What It Means and Why It Matters”, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2018.
R. Bruschi, F. Davoli, C. Lombardo, O. R. Sanchez, "Evaluating the Impact of Micro-Data Center (μDC) Placement in an Urban Environment", 2018 IEEE Conf. on Network Function Virtualization and Software Defined Networks (IEEE NFV-SDN), Verona, Italy, 2018.
F. Davoli, E. Bruschi, M. Aicardi, J. F. Pajo, P. Lago, "Decentralized Scalable Dynamic Load Balancing among Virtual Network Slice Instantiations", 2018 IEEE Global Communications Conference, Workshops (IEEE GlobeCom WS), Abu Dhabi, UAE, 2018.
R. Bruschi, F. Davoli, P. Lago, C. Lombardo, J. F. Pajo, "Personal Services Placement and Low-Latency Migration in Edge Computing Environments", 2018 5GNetApp Ws., colocated with the 2018 IEEE NFV-SDN Conf., Verona, Italy, 2018.
R. A. Addad, T. Taleb, M. Bagaa, D.L.C. Dutra, and H. Flinck, "Towards Modeling Cross-Domain Network Slices for 5G", GLOBECOM, Abu Dhabi, UAE, 2018.
R. Bruschi, F. Davoli, P. Lago, J. F. Pajo, "A Multi-Clustering Approach to Scale Distributed Tenant Networks for Mobile Edge Computing", IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, "United States", 2019.
R. Bruschi, R. Bolla, F. Davoli, A. Zafeiropoulos, P. Gouvas, "Mobile Edge Vertical Computing over 5G Network Sliced Infrastructures: an Insight into Integration Approaches", IEEE Communications Magazine, Piscataway, NJ, USA, 2019.
R. Bolla, R. Bruschi, F. Davoli, J. F. Pajo, "Modeling performance and energy efficiency of virtualized flexible networks", in M. Obaidat, T. Ören, F. De Rango, Eds., Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications, Cham, Switzerland, 2019, pp. 257-273.
F. Fontes, I. Neokosmidis, R. Trivisonno, F. Davoli, L. N. Binh, S. Mikroulis, I. Tomkos, V. Frascolla, "Why 5G?", in M. Ajmone Marsan, N. Blefari Melazzi, S. Buzzi (Eds.), "5G Italy White Book: from Research to Market", Rome, Italy, 2018, pp. 3-16. White Book produced for the event "5G Italy - The Global Meeting in Rome", 4-6 Dec. 2018.
C. Symvoulidis, I. Tsoumas, and D. Kyriazis, "Towards the identification of context in 5G infrastructures", Computing Conference 2019, London, UK, 2019.
M. Touloupou, E. Kapassa, A. Kiourtis, P. Stavrianos, and D. Kyriazis, "INTRA: Introducing adaptation in 5G monitoring frameworks", e-Society 2019, Utrecht, NL, 2019.
R. Bruschi, C. Lombardo, F. Diáz, J. Melián, A. Ramos, O. Toscano, I. Mesogiti, H. Stefanescu, A. Zafeiropoulos, P. Gouvas, E. Fotopoulou, T. Xirofotos, N. Stasinopoulos, E. Trouva, M. Bagaa, I. Afolabi, "OSS for 5G-Ready Applications", MATILDA Whitepaper, European Union, 2019.
D. Sabella, V. Sukhomlinov, L. Trang, S. Kekki, P. Paglierani, R. Rossbach, X. Li, Y. Fang, D. Druta, F. Giust, L. Cominardi, W. Featherstone, B. Pike, S. Hadad, "ETSI White Paper No. 20: Developing Software for Multi-Access Edge Computing", , France, 2019.
I. Mesogiti, E. Theodoropoulou, G. Lyberopoulos, F. Setaki, A. Ramos, P. Gouvas, A. Zafeiropoulos, R. Bruschi, "A Framework to Support the Role of Telecommunication Service Providers in Evolving 5G Business Models", Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations. AIAI 2019. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, Crete, Greece, 2019, pp. 60-69.
I. Mesogiti, E. Theodoropoulou, G. Lyberopoulos, Fotini Setaki, A. Ramos, P. Gouvas, A. Zafeiropoulos, R. Bruschi, "MATILDA: A Value Proposition for Telecommunication Service Providers for Vertical Applications’ Integration in a 5G -Ecosystem", Proceedings of the European Conference on networks and Communications (EuCNC) 2019, Valencia, Spain, 2019.
I. Afolabi, J. Prados-Garzon, M. Bagaa, T. Taleb and P. Ameigeiras, "Dynamic Resource Provisioning of a Scalable E2E Network Slicing Orchestration System", IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, United States, 2019.
T. Taleb, D.E. Bensalem, and A. Laghrissi, "Smart Service-Oriented Clustering for Dynamic Slice Configuration", IEEE Globecom, United States, 2019.
R. A. Addad, D.L.C. Dutra, M. Bagaa, T. Taleb and H. Flinck, "Towards studying Service Function Chain Migration Patterns in 5G Networks and beyond", IEEE Globecom, United States, 2019.
J. Prados-Garzon, T. Taleb, O. El Marai, and M. Bagaa, "Closed-Form Expression For The Resources Dimensioning of Softwarized Network Services", IEEE Globecom, United States, 2019.
T. Taleb, P. A. Frangoudis, I. Benkacem and A. Ksentini, "CDN Slicing over a Multi-Domain Edge Cloud", IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, United States, 2019.
M. Maiouak and T. Taleb, "A Dynamic Map-based Framework for Real-Time Mapping of Vehicles and their Surroundings", in Proc. IEEE WCNC , Morocco, 2019.
T. Taleb, I. Afolabi, and M. Bagaa, "Orchestrating 5G Network Slices to Support Industrial Internet and to Shape Next-Generation Smart Factories", IEEE Network Magazine, United States, 2019, pp. 146 - 154.
A. Laghrissi, T. Taleb, M. Bagaa and J. Prados-Garzon, "A Fuzzy Logic-based Mechanism for An Efficient Cloud Resource Planning", in Proc. IEEE WCNC, Morocco, 2019.
T. Taleb, I. Afolabi, K. Samdanis and F. Z. Yousaf, "On Multi-domain Network Slicing Orchestration Architecture & Federated Resource Control", IEEE Network Magazine, United States, 2019.
R. A. Addad, T. Taleb, H. Flinck, M. Bagaa and D.L.C. Dutra, "Network Slice Mobility in Next Generation Mobile Systems: Challenges and Potential Solutions", IEEE Network Magazine, United States, 2019.
R. A. Addad, M. Bagaa, T. Taleb, D.L.C. Dutra, and H. Flinck, "Optimization model for Cross-Domain Network Slices in 5G Networks", IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, United States, 2019.
I. Afolabi, T. Taleb, P. A. Frangoudis, M. Bagaa and A. Ksentini, "Network Slicing-Based Customization of 5G Mobile Services", IEEE Network Magazine, United States, 2019.
K. Burow, M. Franke, K.-D. Thoben, "5G-Ready in the Industrial IoT-Environment: Requirements and Needs for IoT Applications from an Industrial Perspective", Advances in Production Management Systems. Production Management for the Factory of the Future, USA, 2019, pp. 408-413.
K. Burow, K. Hribernik, K.-D. Thoben, "First Steps for a 5G-Ready Service in Cloud Manufacturing", 2018 IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE/ITMC): Stuttgart, 17.06.-20.06.2018, Piscataway, NJ, 2018.
F. Davoli, M. Marchese, F. Patrone, "Flow assignment in multi-core network processors", Internat. Conf. on Optimization and Decision Science (ODS 2019), XLIX Annual Meeting of AIRO – Italian Operations Research Society, Genoa, Italy, Sept. 2019; AIRO Springer Series ”Advances in Optimization and Decision Science for Society, Services and Enterprises”, Switzerland, 2019, pp. 493-503.
R. Bruschi, F. Davoli, J. F. Pajo, "5G Management and Orchestration – From Cloud-Native to 5G-Ready Applications", in M. Ajmone Marsan, N. Blefari Melazzi, S. Buzzi, S. Palazzo, Eds., The 5G Italy Book 2019: A Multiperspective View of 5G, Parma, Italy, 2019, pp. 323-337. Invited contribution.
R. Bolla, R. Bruschi, F. Davoli, J. F. Pajo, "A Model-based Approach Towards Real-time Analytics in NFV Infrastructures", IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, Piscataway, NJ, USA, 2019.
Bogdan Rusti, Horia Stefanescu, Marius Iordache, Cristi Patachia, Jean Ghenta, Panagiotis Gouvas, Anastasios Zafeiropoulos, Eleni Fotopolou, Qi Wang, Jose Alcaraz Calero, "5G Smart City Vertical Slice", Third IFIP/IEEE International Workshop on Management of 5G Networks (5GMan 2019), Bucharest, Romania, 2019.
Bogdan Rusti, Horia Stefanescu, Marius Iordache, Jean Ghenta, Catalin Brezeanu, Cristian Patachia, "Deploying Smart City components for 5G network slicing", EuCNC 2019, European Conference on Networks and Communications, Valencia, Bucharest, Romania, 2019.
I. Afolabi, M. Bagaa, W. Boumezer, and T. Taleb, "Towards a Real Deployment of Network Services Orchestration and Configuration Convergence Framework for 5G Network Slices", IEEE Network Magazine, United States, 2020.
R. Bruschi, F. Davoli, F. Diaz Bravo, C. Lombardo, S. Mangialardi, J. F. Pajo, "Validation of IaaS-based technologies for 5G-ready applications deployment", Proc. European Conf. on Networks and Commun. 2020 (EuCNC 2020), Dubrovnik, Croatia, 2020.
R. Bolla, R. Bruschi, F. Davoli, C. Lombardo, J. F. Pajo, "Debunking the "Green" NFV myth: An assessment of the virtualization sustainability in radio access networks", Proc. 6th IEEE International Conference on Network Softwarization (NetSoft), Ghent, Belgium, 2020.
R. Bruschi, F. Davoli, G. Lamanna, C. Lombardo, S. Mangialardi, J. F. Pajo, "Enabling edge computing deployment in 4G and beyond", Proc. 6th IEEE International Conference on Network Softwarization (NetSoft), Ghent, Belgium, 2020.
A. Zafeiropoulos, E. Fotopoulou, M. Peuster, S. Schneider, P. Gouvas, D. Behnke, M. Muller, P.B. Bok, P. Trakadas, P. Karkazis, H. Karl, "Benchmarking and Profiling 5G Verticals' Applications: an Industrial IoT Use Case", 6th IEEE International Conference on Network Softwarization (NetSoft), Ghent, Belgium, 2020.
R. Bruschi, C. Lombardo, F. Diáz, J. Melián, E. Garrido, A. Ramos, O. Toscano, I. Mesogiti, H. Stefanescu, A. Zafeiropoulos, P. Gouvas, E. Fotopoulou, T. Xirofotos, A. Rodopi, A. Kourtis, T. Anagnostopoulos, M. Bagaa, I. Afolabi, "5G-Ready Vertical Applications Orchestration", , Athens, Greece, 2020.
K.X. Du ; G. Carrozzo ; M.S. Siddiqui ; O. Carrasco ; B. Sayadi ; F. Lazarakis NCSR Demokritos,Greece ; A. Kourtis ; J. Sterle ; R. Bruschi, "Definition and Evaluation of Latency in 5G: A Framework Approach", 2019 IEEE 2nd 5G World Forum (5GWF), Dresden, Germany, 2019.
F. Davoli, M. Marchese, F. Patrone, "Flow Assignment and Processing on a Distributed Edge Computing Platform – A Logistics Use Case", Networks, New York, NY, 2020. Under review.

Dissemination and Communication Activities

MATILDA Consortium, @matilda5g at Twitter account, Internet.
MATILDA Consortium, at MATILDA public website, Internet.
F. Davoli (CNIT), "Modeling Performance and Energy Efficiency of Virtualized Flexible Networks", Invited Keynote at 7th Int. Conf. on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH 2017), Madrid, Spain.
F. Davoli (CNIT), "Modeling and Emulation of Computer Networks", Presentation in Panel discussion at Panel "Challenges and Directions in Modeling and Simulation of Computer Networks and Systems" at SIMULTECH 2017, Madrid, Spain.
F. Davoli (CNIT), "H2020 Projects in Network Virtualization and 5G: Some Application Scenarios", Presentation in Panel discussion at Panel "An overview to H2020 calls in Simulation, Physiological Computing and Robotics" at SIMULTECH 2017, Madrid, Spain.
F. Davoli (CNIT), "5G and Beyond: Perspectives on Fixed/Mobile/Cloud/Fog Integration, Network Management and Control, and Services’ Deployment", Presentation at Visions for Future Communications Summit, organised by NetWorld2020, Lisbon, Portugal.
Janez Sterle (ININ - INTERNET INSTITUTE), "Quality Assurance in 5G – SME engagement", Presentation at 5G PPP Phase 3 Information day and Stakeholders event, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Janez Sterle (ININ - INTERNET INSTITUTE), "Quality Assurance and PPDR in 5G", Presentation at ICT Proposers' Day 2017, Budapest, Hungary.
ININ, SME expertise presentation and interest indication at Networld - Find the SME you need!, Internet.
Janez Sterle (ININ - INTERNET INSTITUTE), "Project activities presentations", Supporting 5G IA booth at Mobile World Congress, Barcelona, Spain.
ININ, Project activities presentations at MATILDA @ ININ Linkedin, Internet.
ININ, Project activities presentations at MATILDA @ ININ Twitter, Internet.
Janez Sterle (ININ - INTERNET INSTITUTE), Project activities presentations for Telekom Slovenije at MATILDA Project, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Janez Sterle (ININ - INTERNET INSTITUTE), Project activities presentations for A1 Slovenia mobile operator at MATILDA Project, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
MATILDA Consortium, "", at Linkedin account, Internet.
MATILDA Consortium, "", at Facebook account, Internet.
MATILDA Consortium, "", at Youtube account, Internet.
Anastasios Kourtis (NCSRD), "MATILDA: Αn innovative framework for designing, developing and orchestrating 5G ready applications and network services over programmable infrastructures", Project Presentation at INFOCOM WORLD CONFERENCE 2017 Greece, Athens, Greece.
Klaus-Dieter Thoben (BIBA), "Workshop on Cyber-Physical Systems in Production and Logistics", Project Presentation at Business School Politecnico di Milano, Italy, Milan, Italy.
ORANGE, at MWC 2019, Barcelona.
Orange, at System and networks evolutions for the next 5G business services, Bucharest, Romania.
Orange, presentation at Lectures in Polytehnics University - Introduction to 5G communication, Bucharest, Romania.
F. Davoli (CNIT), "5G - Poised for revolution (in English) - 5G, Una rivoluzione (in Italian)", Short publicity article at Contribution on Platinum - Il Sole 24 Ore, Italy.
MATILDA Consortium, Short MATILDA presentation at Article on European 5G Annual Journal, Europe.
M. Bagaa (Aalto), "Efficient Virtual Evolved Packet Core Deployment Across Multiple Cloud Domains", Paper presentation at IEEE WCNC, Barcelona, Spain.
N. Stasinopoulos (Incelligent), "Network Softwarization", Invited Keynote, Panel Discussion at SDN Security Workshop at CODE-Jahrestagung 2018, Munich, Germany.
R. Bruschi (CNIT), at Ph.D. class on "Network Softwarization, Virtualization and Slicing Foundations of the 5th Generation Radio Mobile Networks", University of Rome "La Sapienza," DIET, Rome, Italy.
F. Davoli (CNIT), "Digital Media Application Services in 5G: Orchestration, QoS/QoE and Energy Efficiency", Invited Talk at the Panel on Digital Delivery of Media Services at The Digital Media Industry and Academic Forum (DMIAF) 2018 (, Athens, Greece.
M. Marchese (speaker), L. Boero, R. Bruschi, F. Davoli, F. Patrone, "Interaction of Satellite Networks in the 5G Ecosystem", Presentation at Sat Italia 5G (, Rome, Italy.
C. Patachia (ORO), N. Stasinopoulos, A.Ropodi (INC), J.Martrat (ATOS), "From Webscale to Telco, the Cloud Native Journey", Whitepaper elaboration at Whitepaper.
A. Zafeiropoulos (UBITECH), "MATILDA Overview", Project Presentation at ITU Forum "Towards 5G Enabled Gigabit Society" , Athens.
A. Zafeiropoulos, Workshop organization at MOBISLICE/5GNETApp Workshop 5G-ready Network Applications Development and Orchestration over Network Slices with Mobility Support - in conjunction with IEEE Conference on Network Function Virtualization and Software Defined Networks , Verona, Italy.
F. Davoli (speaker), R. Bruschi, P. Gouvas, A. Zafeiropoulos, "MATILDA Overview", Invited Talk at MATILDA Presentation at the MOBISLICE/5GNETApp Workshop, Verona, Italy.
Marius Iordache, Poster presentation at Lecture at Faculty of Computer Science - Iasi, Romania, Iasi, Romania.
A. Bravalheri (UNIVBRIS), "Network Infrastructure Virtualization and Network Slicing - Network Awareness in Network Function Virtualization", Panel at The Optical Networking and Communication Conference & Exhibition 2019 (OFC 2019), San Diego, CA, USA.
UBITECH, ININ, "MATILDA – Orchestrating 5G Ready Emergency Services (5G PPDR)", Booth and demo at EuCNC 2018, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
ININ, "5G PPP SMEs – SMEs Expertise and Innovation in the 5G Domain", Demo at EuCNC 2018, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
UBITECH, ININ, "MATILDA @ 5G PPP Demo and Exhibition Stands at ICT2018", Demo and exhibition at ICT2018, Vienna, Austria.
ININ, "5G PublicSafety - INTERNET INSTITUTE", Booth and demo at PSCE 2018, Bled, Slovenia.
ATOS, UBITECH, ININ, "MATILDA – Orchestrating 5G Ready Emergency Services (5G PPDR)", Booth and demo at MWC 2019, Barcelona, Spain.
UBITECH, ININ, "MATILDA 5G-ready Applications’ Orchestration Ecosystem", Live presentation at MWC 2019, Barcelona, Spain.
ININ, Project activities presentations at MATILDA @ ININ Twitter, Internet.
ININ, Project activities presentations at MATILDA @ ININ Linkedin, Internet.
F. Davoli on behalf of the MATILDA Consortium, "MATILDA Overview and Current Status", Section with Project Overview at Contribution to the 5G Annual Journal 2019.
Marios Touloupou, "INTRA: Introducing adaptation in 5G monitoring frameworks", Paper presentation at e-Society 2019, Utrecht, NL.
Chrysostomos Symvoulidis, "Towards the identification of context in 5G infrastructures", Paper presentation at Computing Conference 2019, London, UK.
Janez Sterle (ININ), "5G Security Architecture for IoT | Varnostna arhitektura 5G za internet stvari ", Presentation at 35. delavnica o telekomunikacijah VITEL 2019, Brdo pri Kranju, Slovenia.
Janez Sterle (ININ), "ININ activities in H2020", Presentation at 5G session and pitches to customers at H2020 ICTurkey 2019, Istanbul, Turkey.
UBITECH, ININ, ITALTEL, "MATILDA – Enabling vertical industries to take advantage of 5G technologies", Booth and demo at EuCNC 2019 and the 7th Global 5G Event, Valencia, Spain.
ININ, CNIT, "Definition and Evaluation of Latency in 5G with Heterogeneous Use Cases and Architectures", Paper in special session at EuCNC 2019, Valencia, Spain.
Janez Sterle (ININ), "How to build your own mobile network", Presentation at SINOG 6.0, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
ININ, "qMON VNF RELEASE", Project activities presentation at MATILDA @ ININ Twitter | Linkedin, Internet.
ININ, UBITECH, "5G PPP SME ", Booth support at EuCNC 2019 and the 7th Global 5G Event, Valencia, Spain.
ININ, "ININ Collaboration in 5G-PPP and H2020", Brochure at European SME Expertise in 5G and Beyond, Valencia, Spain.
R. Bruschi, "“Network Softwarization, Virtualization and Slicing Foundations of the 5th Generation Mobile Radio Networks”", at PhD School lectures at the University of Trento , Trento, Italy.
Jane Frances Pajo (CNIT), "PhD Thesis "Enabling Scalable and Sustainable Softwarized 5G Environments", University of Genoa, Feb. 2019", Women In Engineering - IEEE Italy Section ABB Award at PhD Thesis IEEE/ABB Award, Florence, Italy.
F. Davoli (CNIT), "Mobile Edge Computing in the 5G Era – Bridging Applications and Networking Environments", Invited Keynote at International Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference (ITNAC 2019) - , Auckland, New Zealand.
R. Bolla, R. Bruschi, F. Davoli, J. F. Pajo, M. Repetto – presented by R. Bolla and F. Davoli, "Separation of concerns in application, networking and security orchestration platforms in virtualized 5G environments", Invited Talk – at Scientific Sessions at "5G Italy 2019", Rome, Italy.
R. Bolla, R. Bruschi, F. Davoli, J. F. Pajo - presented by Jane F. Pajo, "A Model-based Approach Towards Real-time Analytics in NFV Infrastructures", Paper presentation at Italian Networking Workshop 2020, Cavalese, Italy.
F. Davoli, C. Lombardo on behalf of the Consortium, Short account of MATILDA activities at Contribution to the 2020 Edition of the European 5G Annual Journal.
A. Zafeiropoulos, P. Gouvas, , "Deploying and orchestrating modern cloud-native applications in the programmable 5G infrastructure", Presentation at ETSI MEC ISG Meeting #22.
A. Zafeiropoulos, P. Gouvas, R. Bruschi, F. Davoli, R. Bolla - Presented by A. Zafeiropoulos, "Deploying and orchestrating modern cloud-native applications in the programmable 5G infrastructure", Presentation at ETSI MEC ISG Meeting #22, Virtual meeting.
Organizers: Franco Davoli, CNIT; Tarik Taleb, Aalto University - Technical Support: Ibrahim Afolabi, Aalto University; MATILDA Speakers: Miloud Bagaa, Aalto University; Kay Burow, BIBA; Luka Koršič, ININ; Panagiotis Gouvas, Ubitech – External Speakers: Rui Aguiar, University of Aveiro, Portugal; Jaafar Elmirghani. University of Leeds, UK; Artur Hecker. Huawei Technologies, Germany; Sławomir Kukliński, Orange, Poland; Antonio Manzalini, Telecom Italia Mobile, Italy; Ingrid Moerman, IMEC and Ghent University, Belgium, Organization of online Workshop and Webinar at MATILDA – Autonomic Deployment and Lifecycle Management of 5G & Beyond Services, Online: – –
I. Mesogiti, "“MATILDA: A Holistic, Innovative Framework for the Design, Development and Orchestration of 5G-ready Applications and Network Services over Sliced Programmable Infrastructure”", Presentation at Innovation Forum 2019, Workshop “IΤ–Τelecommunications, OTE Group Research Activities on 5G", Athens, Greece.
I. Mesogiti, "MATILDA: A Holistic, Innovative Framework for the Design, Development and Orchestration of 5G-ready Applications and Network Services over Sliced Programmable Infrastructure", Presentation at Industrial Dissemination Day of the 5Gwireless H2020-ITN and 5G_AuRA H2020.IT, Athens, Greece.
E. Theodoropoulou, "MATILDA’s Value proposition to Telecom Service Operators for the Deployment of 5G-ready Applications and Network Services", Presentation at INFOCOM WORLD CONFERENCE 2018 Greece, Athens, Greece.
F. Davoli (CNIT) - jointly prepared with R. Bolla, R. Bruschi and J. F. Pajo, "Modelling Performance and Power Consumption for Lifecycle Management and Dynamic Control of Virtualized Networking Platforms", Invited Talk at Special Session on Modeling Challenges in the Emerging Internet Applications at ITC (International Teletraffic Congress) 32, Osaka, Japan (held virtually owing to Covid-19).


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