MATILDA will be present at EuCNC 2019 and will showcase the use of Vertical Application Orchestrator (VAO), OSS and OSM/NFV capabilities supported by the MATILDA framework to build and run two distinctive industrial vertical applications, from Media (5GPACE) and Public Safety (5G PPDR) domains.
Moreover it will present the poster entitled "MATILDA: A Value Proposition for Telecommunication Service Providers for Vertical Applications' Integration in a 5G -Ecosystem", the technical paper "Definition and Evaluation of Latency in 5G with Heterogeneous Use Cases and Architectures" (joint paper with NGPaaS, 5GCity, and MATILDA) and the Smart City (noisy neighbour) demo (at the SliceNet booth) that integrates work from SliceNet and MATILDA projects to show inter-slice resources conflict mitigation, by onboarding an application in the Marketplace, deploying 2 slices and providing an ML model that monitors slice-level metrics, predicts service-level degradation, and locates its source.